Glamping holidays: All tour operators and providers
Here we present all tour operators, providers of glamping accommodation and package providers for glamping holidays on We give you an overview of the most important providers in the glamping sector.
Glamping providers at a glance
The following list shows tour operators and providers that are listed on
The Austrian glamping provider Gebetsroither is a pioneer in the area of rental accommodation on campsites . What started with rental caravans on Austrian campsites has now become a TOP glamping provider . With accommodation in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Montenegro and Austria, attractive and exciting glamping destinations have been opened up. Gebetsroither offers the following rental accommodation for your glamping holiday:
- camping barrels
The rustic yet comfortable camping or sleeping barrels are perfect for a glamping couples holiday. - Glamping Tent
The glamping tents give you a real safari feeling. Up to 6 people can enjoy the pure glamping experience on two levels. - mobile homes
The classic accommodation on campsites. High-quality mobile homes with the best service - perfect for families. - caravan
Without a complicated journey and without time-consuming setup - Gebetsroither offers the most relaxing caravan holiday.